Terapia clínica
As an LCPC, Dr. KiKi has been trained and licensed to provide psychotherapy, talk therapy, EMDR, and other types of counseling services to clients. Dr. KiKi can provide services with counseling matters such as:
+Assessments and diagnoses +Treatment plans and treatment interventions +Identification and remediation of emotional and behavioral disorders +Alleviation and prevention of psychopathologies and emotional disorders +Self care +Self Improvement +Promotion of optimal mental health +Psychotherapy, including that to resolve emotional, attitudinal, and relationship conflicts +Anxiety +Depression +Behavior modification
Terapia de jardinería cíclica™
As an LCPC, Dr. KiKi has been trained and licensed to provide psychotherapy, talk therapy, and other types of counseling services to clients. Dr. KiKi can provide services with counseling matters such as:
As a therapist, Dr. KiKi has done a lot of research in ecopsychology and used her knowledge and experience to create Cyclical Gardening Therapy ™ .
Cyclical Gardening (CG) is the process of taking seeds of edible plants (i.e., fruits, vegetables, edible/forgeable weeds, and roots) and then consuming the harvest of said seeds either on their own or in a dish, which encompasses the harvest.
Cyclical Gardening Therapy (CGT) catapults the process of Cyclical Gardening into the transpersonal and transformative realm. CGT begins with the selection of the seeds and meditative acknowledgement of the seeds through positive intentions before sowing, planting, growing, nurturing, harvesting, and consuming the fruit or vegetable. Throughout this process, there is to be a journal kept which records thoughts, feelings, emotions, and insight that occurs during the CGT process. This journal can be written, photographs taken, drawing, video recordings, or any combination of ways of knowing and logging the experience. The therapist processes the journey in tandem with the client. The therapist uses a combination of various transpersonal, as well as traditional, therapeutic practices to assist the client in processing thoughts and emotions and discovering any parallels between the CGT process and their own lives such as (but not limited to) strength, empowerment, need for nurturing, growth, and connectedness to the environment and other living things. CGT is the complete seed-to-consumption and journaling process which incorporates the transpersonal, therapeutic practice that is guided and facilitated by the clinical practitioner.
This practice can be done in face-to-face or virtual therapy sessions.
El Dr. KiKi actúa como un profesional del bienestar que le ayuda a progresar para lograr una mayor satisfacción. Ayuda a los clientes a mejorar sus relaciones, carreras y vida cotidiana.
Ella puede ayudarlo a aclarar sus objetivos, identificar los obstáculos que lo frenan y crear estrategias para superar los desafíos utilizando sus dones y habilidades únicos. Aprovechar al máximo tus fortalezas te ayudará a lograr el cambio transformador, positivo y duradero que buscas.
Clinical Rehabilitation Counseling
El Dr. KiKi ayuda a las personas con discapacidades físicas, mentales, de desarrollo y/o emocionales a vivir de forma independiente. Trabaja con clientes para superar o gestionar los efectos personales, sociales o psicológicos de las discapacidades en el empleo o la vida independiente.
Life Coaching
El Dr. KiKi actúa como un profesional del bienestar que le ayuda a progresar para lograr una mayor satisfacción. Ayuda a los clientes a mejorar sus relaciones, carreras y vida cotidiana.
Ella puede ayudarlo a aclarar sus objetivos, identificar los obstáculos que lo frenan y crear estrategias para superar los desafíos utilizando sus dones y habilidades únicos. Aprovechar al máximo tus fortalezas te ayudará a lograr el cambio transformador, positivo y duradero que buscas.