Zen'n'ish Services Request
*By opting to submit this form through our web portal, you're making a conscious choice to proceed despite the inherent risks associated with transmitting your health information via unencrypted email and electronic messaging. By selecting "Yes, I want to submit this form," you affirm your understanding of these risks and agree to absolve Zen'n'ish, LLC and Dr. Hudson from any liability related to the unauthorized use, disclosure, or access of your protected health information shared through these electronic channels. If you are experiencing an emergency, contact your local emergency service immediately.
Dr. KiKi's office hours for counseling sessions are available by request.
To schedule a therapy session or other services, please fill out the form above or Dr. KiKi may be reached via email. Information is located below.
You may also book a session with Dr. KiKi via BetterHelp
We look forward to connecting with you!
Peace and Blessings,
Zen'n'ish, LLC
Call Toll Free or Email
1.877.Zen.n.ish / Connections@zennish.org